Immune Boosting Vitamins

What if? What if in this time we could focus on strengthening? What if our minds and bodies could focus on what is strong and not wrong? Studies show that stress, isolation and fear weaken immunity, allowing our natural strengths to fall, and stimulates increased anxiety and inflammation. So, what can we do to combat what may be weak in a time where we need to be strong? Just as an Olympic athlete prepares for competition through strength training and active recovery, we have an opportunity to strengthen our immune systems to achieve overall health and a reduction in recovery time.

Here is some of what we know and what we are reading in terms of our immune boosting, strengthening power mix.

  • Vitamin C- Stress depletes vitamin C in the body, and yet it is known that vitamin C helps with stress; therefore, it is a powerful addition during this season. In addition, dozens of studies have found that vitamin C significantly prevents and alleviates infections instigated by a wide range of causes within various animals & humans. Therefore, it seems evident that Vitamin C, has the ability to minimize the impact on infections in humans- reducing both severity and duration. “Taking at least 200mg of vitamin C per day did appear to reduce the duration of cold symptoms by an average of 8% in adults and 14% in children, which translated to about one less day of illness” (Dr Bistrian). As a result, a conclusion can be drawn that if you want the max value benefits of vitamin C, you should make it a part of your regular routine.
    a. Retrieved from and read more at Science Daily

  • Studies of up to 8g/day upon onset of cold symptoms were found to have increasing beneficial effects.

  • Studies are proving that ascorbic acid, the simplest and most cost-effective form of Vitamin C is acting as an effective measure (1 g/day). However, buffered Vit C (e.g., calcium ascorbate) is typically gentler on the stomach and more easily tolerated in higher doses. Including combining bioflavonoids with vitamin C tends to help increase absorption as well.
    a. Retrieved from and read more at MDPI

  • A recent meta-analysis found that vitamin C treatment shortened the duration of mechanical ventilation among patients in intensive care.

  • “In five trials involving more than 470 patients requiring ventilation for more than 10 hours, providing 1 to 6 grams of vitamin C per day shortened ventilation time an average of 25 percent”

  • Vitamin D- Data is demonstrating that vitamin D supplementation (up to 4000IU/day) is safe and may reduce the risk of acute respiratory infection and associated lung injury by a significant amount, especially in people with low baseline vitamin D. Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn that intaking and maintaining good levels of vitamin D helps with overall health and lung function.
    a. Click here for a video to learn more

  • Cordyceps Sinensis- A herbal medicine that has been utilized for centuries in Chinese medicine as a tonic to soothe the lung for defense and treatment of respiratory illnesses. Learn more here.

~Your Amaranth Team

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Brendan Klatt