Vegetarian Kimchi Ramen & Jammy Egg

Vegetarian Kimchi Ramen & Jammy Egg

I created this recipe here with whole foods in mind. I wanted to use ingredients that could be easily found at any grocery store with a health section and were approachable and easy to use. I use kimchi for its funkiness, spice and fantastic health benefits and no ramen is complete without a perfect soft-boiled egg.

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Accelerate Action: Albertan Women-owned Businesses

Accelerate Action: Albertan Women-owned Businesses

International Women’s Day 2025 sees another year to inspire inclusion! Accelerate Action is a worldwide call to acknowledge strategies, resources, and activity that positively impact women's advancement, and to support and elevate their implementation. Listed in this blog are many Albertan woman-owned businesses we are proud to work with.

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Primal Bison Bannock Tacos & Primal Turkey Bibimbap

Primal Bison Bannock Tacos & Primal Turkey Bibimbap

My version of this dish highlights the Amaranth Foods Primal Bison Blend and High-Vibes Health Bison Tallow. My bannock is made with a mix of all-purpose flour and Canada’s original wheat; Red Fife from Scottish Mills. My version of Bibimbap highlights the Primal Ground Turkey Blend with simple bulgogi seasoning and seasonal vegetables, including carrot namul, braised turnip and locally-made kimchi.

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