Building a Qua-routine in this Quaran-time

We don’t have to live through this time, we get to. We get to live through this. We get to create new ways of creating space for the ones we love. We get to learn something new. In a world that is so connected through social media, we often describe feeling isolated and alone. This time allows us to intentionally explore what it means to meaningfully connect in our homes and in a digital space. We can adjust our way of being to that of being curious, present and unwaveringly playful; from feeling isolated and disempowered, to empowered. Here are some things I’m loving in my pursuit of that:


Build a Qua-routine

In a season where time may feel like it is being disrupted or broken, we must pull into creating routine. Structures that serve us, spark ingenuity and keep us grounded. The more we talk together about what we get to do in a day the more rooted we are into making it happen. Here are some ideas that may spark something for you!

  1. Take Your Morning Set of Vitamins and Immune Boosting Supplements.

    1. For the kids I reach for Elderberry Syrup, Vitamin D, a Multi and a Probiotic. For me, Oregano Oil, a Probiotic, Vitamin D, Ashwagandha, Omegas, Calcium/Magnesium and Vitamin C. 

  2. Get Moving.

    1. I’m loving what local company CrushCamp is doing- check them out!

    2. Kids Yoga- Cosmic Kids Yoga

    3. Get Outside- for a social distanced run, bike ride or hike

  3. Keep Packing Lunches. 

    1. I found quickly that working and schooling from home meant that the constant request for snacks was sky rocketing. What used to fuel them for school, can fuel them now. Packed lunches and snacks mean there are no more questions asked. 

  4. Explore the digital options

    1. Lots of museums, zoos and art facilities are hosting online free tours. Google your favorite to find out more. Also, Mo Willems, a children’s author, is offering free drawing tutorials!

  5. Cook A Meal Together

    1. Amaranth’s website has a recipes section to explore, but there are also lots of great food bloggers out there with a recipe just waiting for you to try. Make your list together and stop by Amaranth to pick up your ingredients! Here is a go to easy muffin recipe using Only Oats, carried at Amaranth, for gluten free. 

How will you spend your quaran-time?

A habit is to pull away when you feel isolated; yet to support both our physical and mental health it is key to pull in, not retreat. How you spend this time is important. Lack of communication from others often means they are not ok. Be present and not unwittingly dismissive. Here are some ways to stay connected during this time:

  1. Send a text or email that includes a thinking of you, stay safe or be well and check in on someone who has been unresponsive from a place of concern. Lead with care.

  2. Create a zoom room game night- all you need is a host, a computer and your phones and you can share screens and play together. I love for this very reason!

  3. Host a Table Topic Discussion Night with a group of friends over zoom, facetime or facebook messenger video. Then grab those Hardbite chips, Duzu Date Chocolate and True Buch Kombucha and get chattin’ and snackin’!

  4. Color a picture and send it in the mail to someone. Coloring fosters connection together while being therapeutic. Need a picture? Here is one of our favs for download.

by Jaralyn Monkman