December Specials and Sales

New Chapter

Sale: 20% OFF

Why we love them: “We ferment our vitamins. We’re different that way. It helps your body recognize our vitamins as food so you absorb all the good, whole-food nutrients.”

Where to find them: All Amaranth Locations


Bob’s Red Mill - select flours

Sale: 15% OFF

Why we love them: Organic coconut flour is a delicious, healthy alternative to wheat and other grain flours. It is high in fibre and gluten free. It lends baked goods an incomparably rich texture and and a unique, natural sweetness. Does not contain sweetners or sulfites.

Where to find them: All Amaranth Locations


Mary’s Crackers

Sale: 20% OFF

Why we love them: “With four key, whole ingredients – brown rice, quinoa, flax and sesame seeds – our Original crackers provide the perfect pairing of toasty flavor and crunchy goodness. Always gluten free and organic.”

Where to find them: All Amaranth Locations


Pacific Broths - 1L

Sale: 15% OFF

Why we love them: It’s the perfect combination of organic free range chicken, sea salt and just the right amount of seasonings that makes our organic chicken broth so rich and full of flavor. Use as a base for soups, risottos and pasta dishes.

Where to find them: All Amaranth Locations


Celestial Holiday Teas

Sale: Mix and Match 2 for $7

Why we love them: This flour blend is well, just about perfect! Substitute one cup of our Perfect Flour Blend for one cup of wheat flour in your favorite everyday recipes. Now you can make grandma's famous banana cake gluten free and no one will know!! 

Where to find them: Available at our Arbour Lake and Enjoy Centre locations


So Delicious Holiday Nog

Sale: Mix and Match 2 for $6

Why we love them: A hint of spicy nutmeg and smooth, creamy coconut. Inspire your taste buds. And share with your best buds.

Where to find them: All Amaranth Locations

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L'ancetre Butters

Sale: 20% OFF

Why we love them: “Enjoy the true, time-honoured taste of real butter with L’Ancêtre organic butters. Our perfectly controlled churning technique is what gives our butters their smooth, rich and creamy texture.”

Where to find them: Arbour Lake, 4th street, and Enjoy Centre locations


Swerve Sweetener

Sale: Regular price $11.49 on SALE for $8.49

Why we love them: Swerve is a great tasting sweetener that measures cup-for-cup just like sugar- without the bitter aftertaste or digestive discomfort of other sweeteners. It's perfect for baking, cooking and sweetening your favourite foods and beverages. Swerve is a unique blend of non-GMO ingredients that are derived from fruits and vegetables. It contains no artificial ingredients, preservatives or flavours.

Where to find them: All Locations


Fresh local basil nut free pesto

Sale: Regular price $7.99 on SALE for $5.99

Why we love them: made in Okotoks, AB in our Alberta Health Services (AHS) approved on site processing area. Each 200g pack contains over 32g of the Rafferty Farms basil you love, and uses only 8 high quality ingredients like local garlic, non GMO and organic oils, all to achieve an amazing taste and texture with a 2 week shelf life with no preservatives!

Where to find them: Arbour Lake, 4th street, and Enjoy Centre locations


Earth's Own Culinary & Cafe Creamer

Sale: $1 OFF

Why we love them: You can fool your dairy drinking friends. They’ll legit never know the difference. It blends into yo’ coffee smooth and easy - no more overly sweet or curdling creamers here. Plus oats are grown using 7x less water than dairy. So you can reduce your global footprint while you increase your caffeine levels. Totes win win.

Where to find them: Arbour Lake, 4th street, and Enjoy Centre locations


Garden of Life Probiotics

Sale: 20% OFF

Why we love them: Mood + An innovative formula with clinically studied probiotics, Organic Ashwagandha and Organic Blueberries to support stress management.

Where to find them: All Locations

Products, Promo, SpecialBrendan Klatt