Atrantil: Optimizing your Gut Health and the IBS/SIBO Puzzle
By: Brendan Klatt
Disclaimer: Everyone’s health is an indepedent and vital issue. Please discuss with a health care professional whether Atrantil will work for you. These claims are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or that this was not written by a practitioner or doctor.
A few years ago I went to see a functional medical doctor, who had me do more tests than I humanely thought possible. The two biggest issues he found were a damaged mitochondrial ability to produce energy, and a compromised gut lining/SIBO. One of the main products he recommended was Atrantil.
Flash forward a few years and this product is now at Amaranth! I also had the pleasure of sitting down for a talk with the founder and MD who started the company and learning more about how the product works. I have no financial interest in this product beyond the sales at the store (which are small in the grand scheme of things), I was more impressed with its ability to help with IBS/SIBO, optimize your microbiome, and have an impact on your mental health through a healthier gut. It’s made a tremendous difference for me and I have had a bottle in my cupboard for many months now.
Brendan showcasing the Atrantil supplement!
Dr. Ken Brown, MD and Founder of Atrantil.
Why is it Important and How Does it Work?
Gut health is linked to brain health and issues like IBS can sometimes cause depression and anxiety. Bloating is often a canary in the coal mine for other issues. For example, bad bacteria in the gut can cause IBS and ulcers. SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) is caused by bacteria in the small intestine (not where it's supposed to be) and can result in bloating or either constipation or diarrhea depending on the bacteria. This can cause inflammation and long term, low levels of inflammation can cause a lot of different problems. All of the above is made worse by poor food choices like inflammatory fatty acids (fried foods and/or heated vegetable oils), HFCS, emulsifiers etc.
90% of the happy hormones in your brain are made in your gut. If you don’t feel happy, don’t sleep well, are not motivated- you are likely impacted by gut inflammation. Typical MDs will treat the disease and/or the symptoms, and not address the root cause or act preventively.
Atrantil was formulated to help with digestive issues like IBS and SIBO, help reduce inflammation, optimize the microbiome and reduce the impact of poor nutrition. In studies it was found to help 4 out of 5 people, typically at 4 weeks.
Peppermint Oil.
Quebracho Extract.
Horse Chestnuts.
Three Ingredients
Peppermint Oil - coats the digestive system and helps with inflammation, helps reduce the bacteria in the small intestine. It helps the other two ingredients work better.
Quebracho Extract- a complex polyphenol which helps to reduce hydrogen which reduces bloating. It also compromises the bad bacteria to allow the chestnut to do its job. Lastly, as an antioxidant it provides anti-inflammatory properties and in the colon, is broken down into a pre and post biotic.
Horse Chestnut - strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties. Also is anti fungal and anti bacterial. Horse chestnut is a natural inhibitor to the enzyme that allows methane to be produced. This creates a hostile environment for the archaea bacteria.
For bloating and SIBO- 6 (3x2) capsules a day is recommended. If you don’t have SIBO or IBS and you find certain foods bother you and/or make you feel bloated, you can take 2 capsules before and after those foods to reduce the impact. You can also take 2 capsules a day for maintenance and to optimize your microbiome.
The FODMAP diet is complementary, but ultimately hard to sustain for the long term and may lead/can contribute to nutritional deficiencies.
Learn more through
Benefits of Complex Polyphenols
The best type of diet for gut health is one that incorporates fiber and polyphenols. Polyphenols in food mainly come from color (typically fruits and vegetables). Having a healthy microbiome turns out is KEY to unlocking nutrients from a healthy diet and supplements. If you have compromised gut health the healthy food you are eating or the expensive supplement may not work as well. That is why it can sometimes take a long time to feel the benefits of a healthy diet. It will take time for that diet to heal and benefit your microbiome, which in turn allows you to better process the complex polyphenols and nutrients from that diet.
A Few Quotes from Related Studies
“The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in nutrient absorption by breaking down complex food molecules that bypass the human digestive system (Uebanso et al., 2020). Gut bacteria have the necessary enzymes to break down these molecules and release nutrients and metabolites, such as glucose and SCFAs. The gut microbiome is also involved in the metabolism of amino acids, lipids, and other nutrients, producing metabolites that can affect nutrient absorption and utilization. For example, gut bacteria can produce bile acids, which help to emulsify fats and aid in their absorption; they can also synthesize vitamin K, and vitamin B12…..
The gut microbiome can help maintain the integrity of the gut barrier by producing mucus and other protective compounds, and by modulating the immune response to lower inflammation and damage (Barone et al., 2022; Gibrayel et al., 2022; Uebanso et al., 2020)......
Imbalances in the gut microbiome, such as dysbiosis, can lead to nutrient malabsorption and contribute to poor health outcomes.”
“The composition of the human gut microbiome largely contributes to the host’s micronutrient status. The aforementioned studies demonstrate that several micronutrient deficiencies could be positively or negatively associated with gut microbiota. Therefore, an alternative solution for increasing the micronutrient bioavailability could be applied by correcting the microbiome (in the case of the pathologic role of gut microbiota) or by promoting a specific microbiome (in the case of the positive contribution of gut microbiota), thereby addressing the underlying cause of the problem rather than its symptoms.”
In summary, in addition to helping address SIBO/IBS issues and reduce bloating- Atrantil also helps to optimize the underlying microbiome and helps you make better use of your healthy diet and/or other supplements.
Disclaimer: Everyone’s health is an indepedent and vital issue. Please discuss with a health care professional whether Atrantil will work for you. These claims are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or that this was not written by a practitioner or doctor.