Feeling Your Best with the Low FODMAP Diet


By: Erin Walker
A Little Salt | IG: @alittlesaltblog | FB: alittlesaltblog

Set yourself up for success with these 3 tips!


Painful gut issues got you down? If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or a similar gastrointestinal condition, your doctor, ND or holistic nutritionist may suggest a low FODMAP diet. This elimination diet restricts the consumption of short-chain carbohydrates that aren’t absorbed properly by the intestines in an attempt to figure out which foods are causing you discomfort. Pinpointing which foods are the culprits and removing them from your diet could provide some relief!

There are three phases in the low FODMAP diet: the elimination, reintroduction and personalization. The elimination phase is typically the most daunting, as it requires you to limit or completely remove a number of foods from your diet for 2-6 weeks before slowly reintroducing groups of FODMAP foods back into your eating routine. Throughout this process, you’ll take note of which foods cause symptoms to appear, and you’ll take these findings into the personalization phase, where you’ll create a realistic eating plan with foods that will limit your symptoms as much as possible.

Starting an elimination diet can be overwhelming, but with a little bit of planning, it doesn’t have to feel impossible. Here are our top 3 tips to make the start of your FODMAP diet journey as stress-free as possible! 


1. Do your research.

Don’t start your low FODMAP eating plan without knowing the facts. Consult your dietitian to understand which foods you should avoid and which ones you are still able to eat, taking special note of suggested serving sizes. The elimination phase lasts for 2-6 weeks, so map out what social events you might be attending over that time period, and make a plan for how you’ll succeed with your new diet in those situations. Will you eat at home in advance or bring along some safe snacks to enjoy? Which high FODMAP foods should you watch for when eating at a restaurant? Find some options that fit your lifestyle, and if you feel stuck, join an online support group or meet with your dietitian to talk through some strategies for sticking with it!

2. Load up on low FODMAP staples and FODMAP-friendly swaps.

Once you’ve done your research, assess your fridge and pantry and plan to make some changes. Wheat is off limits for now, so you’ll want to find alternatives such as a FODMAP-safe flour, a low-FODMAP pasta option or a sandwich bread such as gluten-free sourdough to keep in the pantry. Lactose is high FODMAP, but you can enjoy dairy alternatives such as almond milk or macadamia milk. Stock your crisper with low-FODMAP veggies like carrots, cucumbers and baby tomatoes, or fruits such as oranges and kiwis. Having low FODMAP options readily available takes the guesswork out of snacking and meal planning, especially on busy days when you need to eat on the go! All of the products linked with Instacart are available at our Arbour Lake, Southland and Enjoy Centre locations. The FODMAP-safe Namaste Foods Perfect Flour Blend is available at all our locations (including 130th Ave).


3. Focus on all the foods you CAN eat.

Attitude is everything when it comes to trying something new! Instead of focusing on everything you can’t eat, take note of the long list of foods that you will be able to enjoy! Remember that the elimination phase only lasts up to 6 weeks, and you’ll soon be able to add some foods back into your diet during the reintroduction phase.

Starting an elimination diet doesn’t need to be complicated, and at Amaranth Foods they have so many options for making your FODMAP journey as stress-free (and delicious!) as possible. Your health is worth the effort. Don’t give up!