Posts in Products
Roasted Purple Sweet Potatoes Recipe

Roasted Purple Sweet Potatoes Recipe

Roasted sweet potatoes have become one of my favourite holiday sides in recent years. These purple roasted sweet potatoes can be served in their skins or mashed, my version adds some Mexican inspiration in the form of salsa macha, a form of chili oil, as well as traditional southern pecans, roasted garlic and warm spices.

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Be Grateful with October New Products

Be Grateful with October New Products

Let's all find gratitude for our abundant lives this October. From our very first collaborative ancestral blend to locally sourced snacks and some exciting newcomers, you’re sure to find something that leave you feeling thankful this autumn.

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Leche de Tigre / Ceviche Classico with Haskap & Huancina Mac and Cheese with Butternut Squash

Leche de Tigre / Ceviche Classico with Haskap & Huancina Mac and Cheese with Butternut Squash

Leche de Tigre is not just for ceviche, it is a sauce packed full of antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and antivirals. I use Leche de Tigre to make a classic ceviche using haskap berries and Atlantic scallops! I also make a crave-able, gluten-free and vegetarian Peruvian Huancina inspired Mac and Cheese, easy to make ahead of time and reheat throughout the week!

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Everything Back-to-Routine with September New Products

Everything Back-to-Routine with September New Products

Fall into Immunity is the theme of this season, starting in September we’ll be highlighting not just the back-to-school essentials but also everything to support a healthy and thriving immune system for each of your family members!

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Bayside Seafood with Butternut Squash, Broccolini & Crispy Quinoa and Sourdough Tempura Lion’s Mane

Bayside Seafood with Butternut Squash, Broccolini & Crispy Quinoa and Sourdough Tempura Lions Mane

I’ll be using butternut squash and local honey to make a delicious puree, broccolini, which is perfect for the grill and to top it off some crispy quinoa for crunch to pair with Bayside Seafood pre-marinated salmon! Also using sourdough starter discard with a touch of baking soda makes a very light airy batter, perfect for Lion's Mane tempura!

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Choosing Local Albertan Organic Poultry & Eggs

Choosing Local Albertan Organic Poultry & Eggs

We prioritize small family-run farms that either farm organic or as close to organic as they can. For us, stress-free birds that live a natural life with good care, feed and an open, clean environment should be the standard all farmers adhere to.

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Tuna Melt Tostada & Lazy Lasagne

Tuna Melt Tostada & Lazy Lasagne

Tuna melts are an easy classic. Quick and cheap to make, these were always a summer afterschool staple! Placing it on a tostada makes it perfect for a hors d’oeuvres, appetizer or lunch. Also for this lasagne, skip the layers and the time decreases significantly! This recipe is an easy, gluten-free, one-pot, healthier version of traditional lasagne.

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